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Judiciary Registrars Tipped on Management Skills
(L-R): Hon. Justice Wangutusi - Head ICD and HW Sarah Langa (Chief Registrar) at the Registrar's meeting

At least 10 Registrarswere on Tuesday (December 1, 2020) taken through a one-day mentorship sessionto share experiences and appreciate their new role.

The session organizedby the Office of the Chief Registrar discussed topics such as Team BuildingSkills, Coaching and Mentoring, Strategic Decisions, Result Orientation, andEffective Delegation Skills, among others.

The Chief Registrar,HW Sarah Langa Siu, explained that the session was intended to help inidentifying strengths and weaknesses and provide appropriate ways and skills onhow to improve performance. 

She encouraged them tobe open-minded and learn from the interactions of the day.

The Head ofInternational Crimes Division, Hon. Justice David Wangutusi, shared hisexperience on how best to handle tasks independently as registrars. He equallycautioned them to be careful when it comes to decision making. "Always minuteevery action taken especially on correspondences and files," he said.

The PermanentSecretary/Secretary to Judiciary, Mr. Pius Bigirimana, urged the Registrars tobe efficient managers in spite of the challenges. "We have the deficiency ofresources but it doesn’t mean that you cannot use the little you get and failto account for it", he said. 

He further asked themto be better managers of their stations because at the end of the day, one hasto be useful to the Judiciary.

Dr Adrian Beinebyabo,a Senior Consultant at the Uganda Management Institute took them through asession on results-oriented management of courts.

"Result basedmanagement focuses on outputs, outcomes and impact as opposed to budget andactivities to improve decision making," he said. He advised them to always tapskills and nurture others to do better by clarifying their goals and inspiretheir confidence.

He further added tipsabout work life balance in relation to social life for stress relief. "We haveone life to live, if we use it well it benefits us and vice versa. Don't getbusy making a living that you forget to make a life," he said. 

He, therefore, advisedthem to balance between family, career, health and social life. 

Ms. Christina AngellaNtulo, a Management Consultant at Strong Minds Uganda, trained the judicialofficers about team building skills. She stressed the need to be patient withthe teams they work with because each and everyone has a role to play. 

She further advisedthem to recognize themselves and other people, look at each person individuallyin order to cite personal strengths and weaknesses, support their teams, buildrelationships with them, call out for bad behavior and learn from theirmistakes. 

"Conflict is importantbut should be for ideas not personality, because conflict of ideas helps tocome out with the best solution," she said. She further advised them to alwaysallocate time for conflict within their working teams.

Present were Registrars;HW Harriet Ssali (Supreme Court), HW Anguadia Opifeni (Court of Appeal), HW SamuelEmokor (High Court), HW Flavia Nassuna Matovu (Inspectorate), HW EriasaKisawuzi (Mediation), HW Tom Chemutai (Judicial Training Institute), HW SusanKanyange (Commercial Court), and HW Amos Kwizera (Planning and Development).Others were HW Rosemary Bareebe (Ag. Registrar Magistrates Affairs and DataManagement) and HW Ayebare Tumwebaze (Deputy Registrar Court of Appeal).

Posted 1st, December 2020
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